
Friday, March 15, 2013

The Crane Man: Tangerine Exclusive

The Crane Man, one of the most highly skilled staff members currently employed by UT, stepped down from his perch among the clouds Tuesday morning to answer your questions in an exclusive interview with The Tangerine.

While the Crane Man plays a very central and visible role in construction at UT, he himself is rarely seen by students.  Students are much more likely to see the product of his labor when he make big crane go voom spin whirr round.

“I enjoy my job,” said the Crane Man on Tuesday, “it gets a little bit lonely spending all day up in the crane’s cabin sometimes, but I get by.”  Asked to elaborate, the Crane Man explained, “It’s a crane, so what do you expect.  There’s no bathroom, heating, food, you name it.”

We followed up by asking how Crane Man sad when he make crane go voom spin whirr round all day, to which he responded, “You go spend every day in a damn crane for five months and see how you feel.”

Asked about what he is doing to keep students engaged on campus, the Crane Man admitted that some of the odd voom spin whirr round pickup block gobackanddrop movements the crane makes are targeted toward students.  “You’d think as a Crane Man I’d have my work cut out for me.  Well I don’t.  There’s plenty of downtime, and honestly most of those wild turns you see the crane making are just me up there trying to keep you kids happy.  I do my best.”

We ended our interview by asking the Crane Man how he plans to keep good big tall boom cranes allover UT campus forever, to which he responded, “What?!  No, we shouldn’t have any more cranes!  Those things are horrible, dangerous, claustrophobic nightmares that clutter the horizon and don’t really help with construction at all! Oh no, please don’t make me stay here another semester!”

Crane Man was last seen up in his crane on Tuesday evening at sunset, quietly sipping on a beer.

Timmy Turner and Friends

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