
Monday, March 4, 2013

Flu Epidemic Sweeps Campus, Student Health Does Nothing

Attention students: it has begun. Flu season is upon us, and students across campus are coughing, sneezing, and getting their germs everywhere. Gross. This year’s flu is said to be the worse in recent history, and many convenience stores on campus have already sold out of NyQuil and DayQuil. People are even starting to buy Mucinex in their desperation. Students are stocking up on the essentials and barricading themselves at home, in an attempt to evade the virus. Even professors have given up trying to go to class, and nearly every student has had at least one class canceled due to the flu. 

            In an attempt to give students tips on how to stay healthy this season, this Tangerine staff member attempted to contact the Student Health Center. However, the phone rings once and then the line goes dead whenever I try to call them, and when I stop by their new building, it’s completely empty. It is suspected that the staff members are hiding because they have no idea how to combat the flu, nor how to do their job in general. The staff at the Student Health Center is infamous for their inattention to detail and inability to actually help anyone who is sick. However, they have been known to write the occasional doctor’s note excusing students from class a week after the class they actually missed. So that’s nice.

Although collectively useless to students, the Health Center’s relocation to their new facility does have a silver lining. The construction crews building the new dormitory on Melrose will now use the old Health Center for storage. The construction workers are happy to have an equally useless place to house their support beams; supports they plan on erecting one at a time over a three-year period.

In the grips of this flu epidemic, we encourage students to stay inside and avoid contact with any other human beings. The engineering and biology majors will likely have the least trouble with this, as they hardly leave their desks anyways. Also, be sure to drink lots of fluids, another instruction students are no doubt eager to comply with. 

Anita Knapp

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