
Monday, March 4, 2013

Recent Dancing Sensation blamed for Meteorite

In light of the recent meteor landing in Russia, scientists are reporting that the meteor was quite mysteriously in fact much larger than predicted. When leading Russian space expert Ivan Zavalov was asked about the meteor's size he responded simply, “It’s over 9,000!!!” While meteorologists were unable to come up any explanation for the phenomenon, Ms. Dr. Catherine Smallz PhD., head of the “world-renowned” Anthropology Department at the University of Tennessee, claimed that other forces were at work.

There was no way that anyone could have predicted that meteor, it was most obviously the result of the Mayan god, Pdidusmixpoclot, in response to the recent increase in meteor dances done in his honor.”

Dr. C. Smallz elaborated on the lesser known “harr-lei-uhum schake” (or “The Harlem Shake” in lay terms) in which one individual starts flamboyantly dancing, and is soon followed by the whole rapturous congregation in order to ask Pdidusmixpoclot to rain down meteors upon the earth. People of all ages have taken it upon themselves to participate in “the new dancing sensation that’s sweeping the nation” by sharing sanctimonious video-testimonies of faith over YouTube.

Dr. Smallz has been delighted by the recent enthusiasm and interest in Mayan weather dances. “We haven’t seen anything this exciting and popular since the 'Mayan Apocalypse of 2012' nonsense.” She goes on to say with maddened vigor that “any Anthropologist with an actual degree can tell you the Mayan apocalypse was always supposed to occur in December 2013!” Ms. Catherine theorizes, “If the popularity of the “harr-lei-uhum schake” continues, then the Mayan Apocalypse of 2013 will be much worse than predicted! I’m warning you, America, the Mayans haven’t been wrong yet!”

Francine Frassati

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