
Friday, February 15, 2013

Man Found Using Pinterest; Instantly Labeled Homosexual

During a freshman anthropology lecture class last Wednesday, Kelly Wilton purportedly saw a man using Pinterest.

“I was facebook stalking my friend’s boyfriend’s brother, when I looked up from my computer and saw this cute guy I had never noticed in class before,” Kelly stated. “When I started to check him out, I realised that he was totally using pinterest to look up inspirational quotes and recipes for nutella themed desserts.”

Pinterest is a site popular among young women for exploring all things monogrammed, polka-dotted, or covered in chocolate. Users can “pin” intriguing articles, recipes, or images, such as “Crochet Your Own Snuggie” or “Ten Cute Ways to Wear a Burqa,” to their own personal site page (“boards”) for sharing with their peers as well as for later reference.

After class, when he was asked if he had been using Pinterest, Dillard replied only with a plaintive, “It’s a long story…”

The student in question, Matt Dillard, an avid member of Lambda Chi Alpha, initially denied the charges with the support of his “brothers.” In response to the allegations made against him, a press conference was held last week in which Dillard’s attorney simply claimed, “It never happened. Mr. Dillard is not a gay man. He finds the idea of Pinterest absolutely repulsive.” Yet as the news spread around campus and the greater Knoxville area, overwhelming public humiliation soon lead the unfortunate Dillard to be disinherited by his former “brothers.”

“He should have known you have to keep that on the down low. I just get my uh, girlfriend to make me ooey-gooey bars. And she, uh, embroidered my bedsheets too. I don’t know how to backstitch, honest!” commented a nervous fraternity brother hastily deleting his browser history.

In a follow-up interview, his fraternity president wisely remained (mostly) silent on the subject, mentioning only the zero-tolerance policy for, as he so eloquently put it, “being a pussy.” As a result of this scandal, Dillard has gone into hiding.

No longer permitted among the ranks of the Greek, he was last rumored to be camping out with a band of local homeless people having only a casserole dish, a few calligraphy pens, and some Modge-Podge. Sightings have been rare, but every once in awhile, a fabulously dressed homeless man is seen around the Knoxville Greenway. So, here’s to you, closeted crafters everywhere!

“Concerning Pinterest, I use it all the time,” an editor of The Tangerine commented. “One time I needed to make a birthday cake for my friend, and all I had was an avocado and some glitter. Let me tell you- Pinterest saved my butt that day.”

By: Mittens Freeman

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