
Friday, April 5, 2013

Tangerine Exclusive: Experimental Botany Actually Quite Boring

            The Ag Campus - a mysterious alcove beyond the railroad tracks featuring wild-looking buildings with fantastic names.  From the secretive Rascheff Research Facility and the possibly-clandestine Plant Biotechnology Laboratory to those opaque awnings next to the Central Greenhouse (what kind of mushrooms are growing in there?), the inscrutable secrets of the botanical world have been unfolding behind closed doors - until now.  In this Tangerine Investigative Report, we decided it was time for those plants to see the light of day.

            ...I mean, metaphorically of course.  Obviously those plants are getting light at sometime during the day - that's how plants work.  Get off my back, you know what I mean.

            The prevailing view on campus seems to be that the Ag Campus holds untold wonders.  “Yeah, dude.  They’ve got a whole collection of carnivorous plants,” says Cory Fleming, one of the students we consulted before setting off for the Ag Campus.  While this piqued our interest, Cory's story of flesh-eating foliage seemed unsubstatiated - “Some dude told me at a party this one time.”  This wasn’t quite enough for us, so we decided to take a peak for ourselves.

            Unfortunately, it seems the North Greenhouse merely houses a collection of native grasses.  The Center greenhouse houses a variety of tomatoes.  The South Greenhouse houses basil and other spaghetti-ready herbs.

            And... that's about it.

            During our investigation we were able to interview a suspicious-looking man with a tussled beard, a brown bag, and unsteady gait walking around the Rascheff Research Facility who seemed to confirm the carnivorous plants theory.  Upon further investigation it was determined the man was actually just drunk, homeless, and possibly crazy.

By: Timmy Turner

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