
Friday, April 5, 2013

KMART, America’s Premier Child Abuse Location

Nationally, mothers prefer to wait until they get to Kmart before beating their children. This is most likely due from a stressful car ride and the fact that “Little Haley just can’t leave the little coupon dispensers alone” said Katherine mother of 27.

This includes all forms of discipline: spanking, slapping, name calling, yelling and of course the ‘101 reasons WHY you are not going to get that toy.’  “We all get annoyed when our kids are acting up in the store and there is no reason we have to wait til we get home.” said an Oklahoma mother of four in between spanks.

Spanking has become a very popular form of discipline and many parents claim to enjoy it. “I don’t know, I just get enjoyment out of beating him” says one mother, Kirsten Loom, mother of 3. In a recent interview, single mother Lashawna Johnson said of her 128 month old son Nicholas, “He just doesn’t know how to behave in public.” She says, “I can’t wait until I get home to punish him, so it happens, right there in the middle of the weave aisle.”

A Good Housekeeping survey shows that beating children in Kmart is not only healthy for the relationship of mother and child, but beneficial. It shows that women who beat their kids in public are more stress free throughout the day because they can release their tension and lash out at their children. Additionally, the child feels a sense of security.

Jamie Howell has followed this parenting tactic since her 18 year old son was a baby and states “When it gets to the point of where your child is too scared to get into the car because you might actually be taking a trip to Kmart, then you know it’s working.” The younger generation seems to be catching also. “My mother used to beat me in the store all the time, every trip.” says 16 year old Taylor, who now has a son of her own. “It’s going to be passed down like a family tradition.”

A new Kmart that opened up last year in Florida now has a “spanking section” right in the middle of the store and Kmart manager, Bob Wesley, says that “The line is longer than the checkout; it’s like they’re not even interested in our products, but as a father I know the satisfaction of taking things out on your kids is much more important than anything we have to offer.” So next time you’re at the store with your child, don’t be afraid to beat the crap out of him; whether he is behaving or not, is not really an issue, and as for yelling? That helps too, a wonderful method used by mothers everywhere. And if yelling doesn’t work? Well then just spank them!

By Doctor Watson

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