
Friday, April 5, 2013

Nader Announces Candidacy...Again


           If you were to list his accomplishments accompanied by vintage video clips of his younger years, it would be like a sad antithesis to Dos Equis commercials. His most pivotal achievement was nearly 40 ago. If you add up his 5 presidential runs, you might get 1 percent of the gross general vote. His name closely resembles Darth Vader. Well, I guess that is actually kind of awesome.

            In case you’re an imbecile and have not guessed, this man of mystery is Ralph Nader. And news sources have just announced that he will be running in next years’ SGA campaign for student body president.

            After failing in his quest for the US presidency and succeeding in driving Al Gore into stress-induced obesity, Nader believes the UT student body will be a more receptive campaigning ground. 

            “UT has so much room to improve,” says Nader, continuing “I can bring the wave of positive change to this campus.”

            Among his policy points are new regulations to limit per capita oxygen intake, claiming that UT students “breathe copiously, and it’s tearing apart our atmosphere.” 

“It’s like you hicks think the trees will soak up all the CO2 and turn it into oxygen or something. Well, it doesn’t. This isn’t Narnia.”

Further, Nader plans to replace all UT vehicles with motorized scooters, requiring that their riders cover themselves with “soft things,” such as pillows and snuggies to prevent injury in case of a fall.

Nader has certainly covered all of his bases, even registering as a full-time student in the school of business for next fall. In class, Nader plans to make his “best sour faces” at business professors for supporting “the crooked American way.” 

When asked for his opinion on the current SGA campaigns, Nader responded simply, saying “They’re all stupid and I hate them.” 

Asked for specifics, Nader emphasized their focus on various issues on campus instead of the environment, before poking fun at the candidates’ names.

“I mean, Lindsay and Lindsey on the same campaign? HAHA, very funny. And Laura Burgin? Sounds like Sour Purgin, or Torah… just give me a second, I’ll come up with something… and don’t even let me get started Baker Atchley…”

This reporter was only too happy to not let him get started on Baker Atchley, and promptly ended the interview.

Despite his optimism, polling done by local news sources has not swung in Nader’s favor, with support falling between .9 to 1.7 percent of the projected vote. One poller, Joe Trippi of the Knox News Sentinel, described most of his supporters as “hipster, slightly disturbed, or very, very angry.” 

“We had to ask one student to momentarily refrain from chewing his arm off so he could properly annunciate,” Trippi continued.

Another was enthused by Nader’s religious views, saying “He’s Greek Orthodox! I mean, who the hell is Greek Orthodox? It’s like he tries to be irrelevant. Love him.”

 By: Buttholious the Stern

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