
Friday, January 18, 2013

Holiday Weight Gain, Oddly in Uterus…

 After several weeks of lounging around the house, watching How I Met Your Mother reruns, and eating leftover Christmas cookies, it is common for college students to accrue some “holiday pudge.” Indeed, January sees the T-Recs fill to capacity as hordes of co-eds take to the treadmills to shed the unwanted pounds of winter break. However, one UT student, Jamie Smith, has faced an anomalous weight gain that seems impervious to cardio. Smith has put on 10 pounds, almost entirely in her uterus. 

            “I just don’t understand,” Smith lamented, “I have no idea how I let myself get this big; I just feel so fat and moody.” 

            When asked if she had been doing anything out of the ordinary over the past couple of months to bring on this new girth, Smith insisted that she had not; “I’ve stuck completely to my usual routine! I eat a healthy diet, I exercise, and I have lots and lots of unprotected sex with strange men. This just doesn’t make any sense.”

            Smith isn’t the only one baffled by the odd location of her new mass. We spoke to medical expert, Dr. Jim Holmes, who is also at a loss to explain the oddity. “Usually when people gain weight, it’s expressed on their thighs, chins, or stomachs,” said Holmes. “The fact that Jamie’s is so concentrated in her lower abdomen is very troubling.”

             Complicating matters further are the strange side effects that have coincided with Smith’s uterine weight gain. “I’ve been waking up nauseous almost every morning,” she stated. “Normally, throwing up is a great way to lose weight, but it’s not helping at all.” This nausea, along with mood swings and bizarre food cravings, has both deeply perplexed the medical community and turned Jamie into “a pretty big pain in the ass.” 

            Despite the stress, Smith admits that gaining this weight hasn’t been altogether negative. “I haven’t had my period in a while,” said Smith, “which has been a pretty big plus.”

By: Mo Money & The Big E.C.

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