
Friday, October 19, 2012

Hipsters Embrace the Mainstream

All across the nation young urban “hipsters” are embracing mainstream American culture on the grounds that not liking the mainstream has just become way too mainstream. Indeed, hordes of former coffee shop enthusiasts are trading in their beanies for baseball caps, their thick-rimmed glasses for contact lenses, and their Wes Anderson films for any movie featuring Sandra Bullock.

Said one UT hipster, “Yeah, I mean, I used to listen to a lot of Bon Iver, but then I saw that his Facebook page had over 1 million likes, so I downloaded some Katy Perry CDs.”

Many hipsters now feel that their counterculture has become saturated – that the only way to remain truly indie is to endorse all that is conventional.

“For me, the last straw was seeing three sorority girls at the farmer’s market ask whether or not some eggs were ‘cruelty free-organic,’” said hipster Nick Fitzgerald, “Now when I go out to eat at big chain restaurants, I’m not doing it ironically.”

When asked if there was a certain irony to his mainstream conversion – done in effort to be even more hip – Fitzgerald smirked and said, “It’s a really obscure concept man; you probably won’t get it.”

by Morgan Mason

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